Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nov 19th, the Great American Smokeout day

Did you jnow that today is the great Amrican Smokeout day? Well it is, and I wish my family and friends would quit smoking. It has so many negative effects. But you already know that. If you are a smoker, please seek the many resources that are available to you to quit. Do it for yourself. I know you can.

I don't need to go on about the consequences of smoking, but here are some benefits to quitting:

Health Benefits Quitting Smoking
When you take that last puff of a cigarette and are on your way to total freedom, there are many benefits that you will enjoy. Unfortunately, you may also feel as if you are leaving a bad symptom. However, keeping in mind your intense motivation to be free now, choose from the following list the health benefits you would like to start enjoying immediately once you stop smoking.
Hands and feet become warmer from improved circulation.
Blood pressure and pulse rate lower and approach normal.
Mouth and hair no longer smell of smoke.
Senses of taste and smell improve.
Cough disappears and phlegm production returns to normal.
Stamina increases significantly.
Energy level is higher.
Field of vision increases by 15 to 20 percent.
Risk of all diseases caused by smoking is reduced - emphysema, heart attacks, and cancers of all types.

Emotional Benefits of Being Free of Smoking:
You can now begin to sort out your emotional attachment to your “best friend” - the one who is betraying you. Your nicotine-drenched brain has made it difficult for you to evaluate your feelings about cigarettes.
You were forced to say you enjoyed them, because in all other matters you are a rational being. And why would a rational being who recognizes that smoking is unpleasant, irritating, and harmful do it anyway? Many people admit that they often smoke against their own will.
You have improved your self-image.
You have put yourself in charge of your life.
You have a feeling of accomplishment and self-respect.
You are becoming happier, less depressed.
Never again will you have to plan every activity around cigarette smoking.
Never again will you have to make excuses, or feel guilty about needing cigarettes.
Never again will you have to go back into the house to be sure all cigarettes are extinguished.
Never again will you have to take inventory of smoking paraphernalia before you leave your home or office.
Now you can hold on to the excitement of being a winner and bask in a sense of well-being.

Personal Social Benefits
In addition to the physical and emotional benefits, think of the social benefits that take place immediately after you quit smoking.
You now project an image of self-control that is not available to smokers.
Your house, car, and clothes don’t smell of cigarettes.
You will have more time to devote to family and friends.
You will not become a burden on your family members because of illnesses related to smoking cigarettes.
When smokers are confronted with the harsh reality of the problems - both health related and social - that their smoking habit brings for themselves and others, the majority admit that they have always intended to become non-smokers, but that there has always been an excuse to put it off to a “better time”.
All smokers’ energy levels are depleted because of lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. Oxygen levels decrease by about 15 percent when smoking, to be replaced by carbon monoxide.
When you become a non-smoker your energy levels will increase and your senses will be heightened, especially your sense of taste and sense of smell as your nasal passages clear.
When you become a non-smoker, both men and women experience significant and immediate health benefits of quitting smoking. The body systems begin to return to normal and the body immediately begins to repair the damage.

The following are the benefits of quitting smoking that follow are in accordance to the timeline before which the smoker has quitted smoking like:
After 20 minutes - Smoking causes increase in blood pressure. This high blood pressure is very harmful as it increases the danger of heart attack. But as soon as we quit smoking the risk minimizes and blood pressure rate becomes normal.
After 8 hours - Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are greatly reduced; oxygen levels in the blood return to normal. The chances of a heart attack start to fall.
After 10 hours - Carbon monoxide (CO) level becomes half after 10 hours of quitting smoking. Carbon monoxide is one of the major pollutants that produce bad effects on cognitive skills and health. It also affects the oxygen, which is one of the most vital substances, which are necessary for survival. When the carbon monoxide level is high, it decreases intake of blood from lungs, which can lead to many serious problems. We increase our energy levels by smoothing the passage of oxygen as we restrict the carbon monoxide level by quitting smoking.
After 24 hours - If you successfully completed 24 hours, it is a marvelous starting, for the chain smokers that provides them strong bearing power, less level of tiredness after exercise and quick recovery.
After 48 Hours - When move to 48 hours from one whole day, it gives us a totally new experience as nicotine is removed from their body, which earlier has resulted in bad side effects by causing stomachache, vomiting and it also develops the probability of hypothermia.
After 72 hours - Bronchial tubes begin to relax; energy levels increase. Breathing becomes easier.
After 2-22 weeks - After 2 to 22 weeks of quitting smoking you will get rid of bad circulation and also of numerous other disorders like slow cold feet, skin healing, peripheral vascular disease (PVT), and Raynaud’s disease.
After 1 year - After you quit smoking for 1 year, you will reduce the risk of heart attack to half. According to the studies conducted in U.K, smoking results in around 20,000 deaths due to heart diseases (Smoking and Heart Diseases).
After 10 years - After reducing the danger of heart attack our good habit of quitting smoking results in minimizing the danger of lung cancer to half.
After 15 years - After 15 years person who once was chain smoker leads a healthy life as a normal man who has never smoked. At last the good habit has repaid back.

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